God, Religion, And Thanksgiving Rituals Of A Couple

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The couple also alluded that they never had one on one time to get to know each other, and this was never established in the beginning of the relationship. The couple has raised four successful young adults. They are all well educated and have great credit, which is one of the family rules. Another rule within this family unit is they must spend all the major holidays together, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. A Thanksgiving ritual is everyone must state what they are thankful for before eating the Thanksgiving meal. On Christmas presents are not opened on Christmas day. During the gift exchange, gifts are passed out one at a time. For example, every member watches the other person open their gift. The couple noted that Christmas is one of the most intimate family moments for them. There is also one family vacation a year. One ritual that the couple shared is that it is hard for them to make individual decisions about the children and the household. For example, they discussed how going to the grocery store without the other person is a disaster. One thing the couple enjoys and looks forward to is having date night every Friday. The couple …show more content…

They both smiled and stated that they put God first in everything. They attend the same church, and their religious preference is Baptist. The couple also feels that they need to spend more time together to develop a consistent relationship with their high power. The couple also has placed these religious beliefs in their children. One philosophy they share is that a family that prays together stays together. The last question asked was one thing that they envision for the next part of their marriage as empty nesters. The couple shared that they look forward to having the house to themselves. They also were excited about being able to travel and not worry about their children, starting their new relationship over again, and acting like

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