Goblin Market Essay

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T.S. Eliot once said, "The purpose of literature is to turn blood into ink." This means that the author has to take the events and struggles in their lives to create these great works of art, and a way to do this is through a biographical approach. The biographical approach is the strongest approach to criticism in analyzing the structure, codes, or patterns in literary text. Biographical criticism asserts that an author’s own life must affect his or her work. It should also be a personal version of historical criticism. It studies the extent an author's life intentionally affects their work. Through literary analysis it has been found that in freudian, marxist and feminist criticism all lead back to biographical criticisms.

Freudian …show more content…

In Goblin Market, when reading as a archetypal critic Laura symbolizes power and the authority in the pair of maids. Lizzie on the other hand symbolizes curiosity, passion and naiivity. The goblins represent evil and the fruit they sell is desire and temptation. However, as a biographical critic critiques, these assumptions would be incorrect. Diving into Christina Rossetti’s history I found that she had an older sister named Maria and that after their father's death she became really close to her mother and decided to follow in her sister's steps as a devoted Anglican. She was strong in her faith and refused to marry multiple suitors because of their religious or nonreligious beliefs. While looking into Rossetti’s history I found that she writes a lot about her religious beliefs in her poems and that in Goblin Market it refers to a biblical story about Adam & Eve, and how they consumed the forbidden fruit. Again these aspects of the poem wouldn’t be clear if the background of the author wasn’t presented before …show more content…

Thus, feminist literary critics are motivated to raise questions about literature and literary criticism that are basic to women’s struggle for autonomy. In Goblin Market the feminist critics might see the poem as being about women taking back the power that had been taken by the goblins, but that is also incorrect. The poet Augusta Webster wrote to Rossetti in the late 1870s asking for her support in a campaign she was involved with, which aimed to give women the right to vote. However, Rossetti refused. In her letter of response, she asked, “Does it not appear as if the Bible was based upon an understood unalterable distinction between men and women, their position, duties, privileges?” Rossetti actually believed that women and men should have different rights and responsibilities in life and that god made it that way for a reason. During the 1860's, she worked as a volunteer in a home for women deemed as ‘fallen' by Victorian society. These women were prostitutes and she believed that unlike popular belief these women could be redeemed from their sins just as her religion

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