Go Karts Persuasive Speech

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Fierce side by side action, on a fast track, and at 9 years old I had my foot on the brake for half the race. My grandpa who got me into racing go-karts was with me and to this day doesn’t let me live this whole thing down. Racing the go-karts has always been around since I can remember and is a great bonding experience for me and my grandpa, and it has also shown me to face my fears.
This situation is very embarrassing as a racer, and this particular situation is embarrassing at any level of racing competition. I have learned from it, but as far as where this nervousness and fear came from I’m not quite sure of. The nervousness and fear of racing when I was 9, I believe came from watching my grandpa race a few weekends before my little incident. Me and my uncle went to watch him race, during the race he flipped his go-kart, after another driver spun out on the front of the track, and shot down to the low side of the dirt oval. My grandpa didn’t have time to react and hit the front of the other driver’s …show more content…

When the time comes I will have my kids ride the same old white go-kart my grandpa and everyone who has started riding go-karts with us has started on. Then if my children decided to I will help them and let them race. The bonding experience with one of my most father like figures in my life is very satisfying and is important to me. That I think will carry over and be a bonding experience for me, and my kids, and grandkids. I have learned a lot about racing and the mechanical part of the go-karts, and the most important thing I have learned from all of it is to face my fears. I faced my fears by getting back in the seat and racing and in turn I have gotten over that fear of crashing and now I love to go racing on the weekends in Indiana and Ohio. I still need to work on my fear of doing badly, but that is what drives me to do better. I might be able to do that by not being so hard on

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