Go Gentle Into That Good Night

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The two poems “Crossing the Bar” and “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” give the reader several different views on death. Both poets believe that something is earned or obtained through death or on the way to death; such as a voyage in “Crossing the Bar” and recognition of the failures in life in “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.” The mood Tennyson sets in his poem is quiet and peaceful about the cycle of life and death. Thomas on the other hand sets a mood of despair and anger at the prospect of his father’s death. Thomas wants his dying father to fight against death, while Tennyson does not want to fight against death, he wants to embrace it. The tone that Tennyson uses in his poem “Crossing the Bar,” is one of acceptance. He is accepting towards death because he knows things will be okay for him after he dies. The mood in the poem is quiet and peaceful about the cycle of life. The overall theme of “Crossing the Bar,” is to accept and embrace death instead of fearing the dark unknown. Many people are afraid of what will happen to them after they die, but Tennyson made it clear that he …show more content…

Thomas does not feel the same way, he feels as if people never really accomplish all that they want to in life and they will have regrets and memories of all the bad times that occurred throughout their lives. This is the reason he wants people to fight for their lives, he wants them to accomplish all they can and have an impact on society. “Crossing the Bar” was written to show that people should be at peace with the future because death is a natural theme which explains how the mood affects the theme. “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” was written to urge Thomas’ father to fight against death because no one really accomplishes all that they want to and death will only recognize the failures of a person’s life; which explains how the mood affects the

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