Glory Road Essay

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The theory of cognitive dissonance is where an athlete behaves based on their own information and beliefs. But within their own perceptions, they can face conflicting beliefs, attitudes, information, and behaviors from outside sources. The inconsistency between the two thoughts is where the cognitive dissonance is created within the athlete. Whenever cognitive dissonance is present, a shift is made to have the two ideals match together to reduce the unease and mental strain (Festinger, 1957). Glory Road is about a middle school girls’ basketball coach being brought up to coach for the boys’ basketball team at Texas Western. The job comes with a low budget for recruiting, so the coach, Don Haskins, had to get creative when recruiting. As Coach Haskins …show more content…

On the other hand, self-efficacy, expectancy value, or rogerian theory could accurately solve the problems of this movie. Self- efficacy plays a critical part in their journey towards success, because they soon start to believe in their skills and ability to achieve their goals (Bandura et al., 1999). Expectancy value theory lets us see more into the character's beliefs about themselves and their capabilities, as well as the value that they place on their decisions (Eccles & Wigfield, 2002). Rogerian theory shows exactly that each and every one of the athletes on the team, regardless of race, were all disparaged and underestimated, but Don Haskins way of coaching and caring about his players showed them exactly how they were in control of their own futures, but sometimes all you need is someone in your corner to help you get there (Friedenberg & Rogers,

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