Global Warming Doctrine Essay

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Over the past four billion years, the earth has gone through many natural cycles of warming and cooling. I do not believe in the theory that is known as global warming. It is obvious that there has been increase in carbon dioxide and the enlarged level of Co2 but it has nothing to do with the outcome of climate change.
Since the global warming series has been generally acknowledged as the Global Warming “Doctrine,” a careful investigation of the doctrine is evidently defensible. All this has been done in the name to exterminate the emission of the Co2 to save the Earth’s atmosphere from collective heating. With this in mind, the “doctrine” has been created. I can only refer Global Warming as a “Doctrine” because it is nothing else but a doctrine. For example, it cannot be called the truth because there is no truth in it. It is something that has been cleverly made up so that the people will believe it. There has not been solid evidence that has supported the disaster of Global Warming.
Actually, even the people who originated the theory of Global Warming have admitted that there is no truth in this man-made phenomenon because statics does not even comply with their own concept. But instead, we can see that the climate has been getting much colder since 1990s towards today. Since this genuine fact is not easy to hide, even the name has to be changed. This contradiction leads to the change of the official name; “Global Warming” to “Climate change”. Of course, the policy itself has not changed. Co2 is still sighted and it is demanded that the usage of carbon dioxide to be reduced.
In the film Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore, the spokesman has claimed that Global warming is near future and it us up to us to reduce the amount of carbo...

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... years. One degree Fahrenheit?, That wasn’t the problem at all. The sea did rise one foot but that wasn’t a problem. The city has not yet been flooded. But this is the problem it is said that carbon dioxide is the cause of the change in these temperatures, but that is not what is happening. What really happened is that there is a temperature rise since 1990’s to 1950’s, then a temperature cooling from then to 1970’s, and then there is a rise into 1980’s. Up until now, what actually is happening is that there is a cooling. In fact, in the past couple of decade, we have lost the entire rise of that one Fahrenheit that we have experience since the last century. In another word, what happened to our global climate is that it has gone back to what it the 1900’s. We have erased the rise in temperature that has risen the last century. The theory predicts the exact opposite.

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