Global Language Essay In English

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Global Language

English has become a unique language used globally, the communication between countries in English create the world to lean toward globalization. In our world today having a global language is essential for commenting among the centuries. A language can become a universal language only when it is relevant to the world activities such as communication between countries, trading across the world and culture. It plays a significant role in the life of every individual in the world, and it recognized by every country (Crystal, 2003. P 7-9). According to Crystal English in the 21 century has already become in the stage to called it as “global language,” due to people around the world are …show more content…

For example, global language usually is important in the social media, news, and trading throughout the world and communication between countries in the world according to the statistic of the most language used in the internet English has948.6 millions of users. The universal language is necessary to create a globalization world. As understand how is a global language have a connection with globalization. Heller state that “we [ can] seeing [the] … shift from learning the language as being primarily a marker of ethnonational identity to understanding language as being a marketable commodity on its own, distinct from identity” (2003. …show more content…

1,500 million people worldwide speak English, of whom only 375 million are native speakers” therefore, English is not an international language because it is easy to learn. Because it is worldwide reach is much greater than anything achieved historically. Many would reasonably claim that English has demitted in the fields of business, academics, science, computing, education, transportation, politics and entertainment. Also, it became a global language because it senses of its clear expression that reaches every culture and belief (Crystal.2003. P.29) Furthermore, English has some properties that become it a global appealing, but this characteristic of language is not that main reason to become global but necessary to create a universal value. A property of language makes the language more attractive to the world but not superior to another language. Therefore, many say that English is more appealing than other languages but not superior to

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