Gladiator by Ridly Scott

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Gladiator by Ridly Scott

I am going to watch the film Gladiator by Ridly Scott. I hope to

accurately describe and analyse how the director creates a feeling of

tension, suspense and how overall he makes the film believable. I will

not analyse the whole film, but just two of the scenes. The two scenes

I have chosen are the first scene the battle of Germania and the last

scene the death of the evil Emperor.


The points I am most likely to focus on are the camera angles, sound

effects, music, the acting and the shots, also I will describe how the

two scenes were made to be realistic with the aid of computer effects.

I will now briefly run through the plot of the story.

The film starts on the battle of Germania. The Romans win this and

have a big party, during this party Maximums is asked to be the

emperor of Rome instead of the current emperors son. Maximus refuses

the Emperors generous offer. But the Emperor tells Comodeus, his son

that he will not rule Rome. Comodeus kills his own farther to take the

throne. Comodeus, the new Emperor, kills Maximus's wife, son and burns

his home, he also arranges for Maximus to be killed. Maximus escapes

being killed and returns to his home to find his wife and son

murdered. Maximus is then captured as a slave and sold to an

entertainer who makes him fight as a gladiator, he has a few fights

and stuns the audience.

Meanwhile the emperor has trouble with the senate and decides to get

the people of Rome on his side he will reopen the colessium and begin

the games, Maximus is made to participate in the events. Maximus is


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for his but the guard makes it a fair fight and keeps hold tight of

his sword. Maximus drops his sword and the emperor pulls out a dagger

from his sleeve and begins to swipe at Maximus, Maximus beats the

emperor to the floor and stabs him in the neck with the emperors own

dagger killing him. At this point there is no music which makes the

audience hold their breath as in the first scene. The audience sees a

vision of Maximus's hand opening the door to the afterlife and meeting

his family again then Maximus falls down dead because of the poison.

I think that Ridley Scott achieved well in over all making this film

very believable, exciting and epic with the use of acting, sound

effects, camera angles and shots and with the music. I thought it was

a good interesting action packed film with an excellent storyline.

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