Girl Monologue

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Today is the day I’m finally going to talk to her. I have to talk to her. She is the most amazing girl I have ever laid eyes on. She has perfectly curly brown hair with green eyes that are like emeralds. She also dresses so nice and is so perfect, she is flawless. Many say she is out of my league, but you know I don’t believe them. There is only a week of school left. If I don’t talk to her now then I’ll have to wait the whole summer before I see her again. Today when I go into math I’m going to sit next to her. What will I say? I’ll complement her outfit. That is always a safe bet. What if she thinks I’m being weird? “Dude, Charlie, why are you still sitting here?” Conner says while giving me a very confusing look. “What do you mean? We have history right now.” …show more content…

I went to your locker and you weren’t there.” he says. “Are you sure? I didn’t hear it.” “Dude, I’m sure. Come on we have to go to math. Courtney is probably waiting for you.” “Shut up.” Conner is my best friend and has been for like 16 years. He knows how much I like Courtney and won’t let me live it down. He constantly tries to start conversations with her so I will talk, too. However, I always get too nervous and just sit there more awkward than ever. Here I go. She is sitting at her desk on her phone. Now is my chance. “Um—Hi, Courtney.” She isn’t answering. Do you think she heard me? Maybe she is just distracted on her phone? Maybe she is ignoring me? Should I say it again? Here I

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