Giraffe Facts

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In this paper you will learn a multitude of facts about the giraffe. Such as it is the tallest of the terrrestrial animals and largest of the ruminants. The average male giraffe can grow up to 16-20 feet tall and weigh 2,600 lbs. While the female can grow to 15 feet tall and weigh 1800 lbs. The giraffe is a genus of the African even-toed ungulate mammals. Although it will contain specific facts not unlike the ones you just read, it will be more of an overview on the animal as a whole. There are 4 different species and subspecies of the Giraffe such as the southern giraffe (Giraffa giraffa), comprising two distinct subspecies, the Angolan giraffe (Angolensis) and the South African giraffe (Giraffa). The Masai giraffe (Tippelskirchi), which …show more content…

Ossicones are the giraffe's horns. Males have bigger ossicones because they use them to fight over mates, water, food and many other resources. Giraffe fighting is known as “necking” which involves them swinging their necks at each other in a show of strength. A male has bigger ossicones than a female, while both genders possess the horns, the horns of a male lack the tufts of fur that female horns bear. This is because the fur and skin wears off the male’s horns as they battle each other. You can actually tell the gender by looking at the ossicones. Giraffes ossicones start as a cartilaginous structure, but over time the cartilage is replaced by bone. This makes the ossicones much harder and tougher so it is easier to …show more content…

They are found in Acacia, Commiphora, Combretum and open Terminalia woodlands. Giraffes are herbivores which means they only eat plants. Giraffes prefer feeding off of twigs, shrubs, grass, fruit and leaves from those woodlands. They eat up to 65 pounds a day but they only need 15 pounds of food a day to survive. Scientists can only guess why giraffes eat so much, the best hypothesis is because they eat all day. During December through April (wet season) food is more abundant and giraffes are more active and they spread out from each other. During May through November (dry season) they are less active and they like to be in herds, they stay around evergreen trees and bushes. Typically, giraffes roam with about half a dozen or less other giraffes. When giraffes eat, they use their lower incisors (front teeth) to comb the leaves off of the branches to eat. When giraffes eat, they first chew their food then they swallow it for processing inside the stomach. But they are not finished, then they bring the half-digested cud back to the mouth for more chewing. They do this several times before they keep it in their stomach. Giraffes eat less food than the typical grazing animal because they reach the healthiest leaves in the highest part of the tree, this gives them more concentrated nutrients. A giraffe can also survive without water or a few days, when water is available they drink at three day intervals.

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