Gilgamesh Similarities

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Similarities in Different Stories When we examine stories that we read many things can be different within those stories, but it is hard to find what is similar about them. The stories that we have read in class, The History of the Hebrew Scriptures, Gilgamesh, and The Iliad, all have some similarities between each other. The similarities will be between the characters, behaviors, traits, and responsibilities. First thing that will be discussed is the character’s behaviors. In Gilgamesh, the main character was Gilgamesh and The Iliad, the main character was Achilleus. Gilgamesh was the type of character to think that he was all that. He was half human and half god. Gilgamesh went to kill this monster so he could be a “hero.” Now Achilleus, was an angry character. He was created by a God but he also went off to fight a character named, Hector, because Hector killed his friend. Both Gilgamesh and Achilleus had “best friends” that were made by the gods to help them fight. Both of their best friends were killed, which caused both of …show more content…

In the Hebrew Scriptures, The Book of Genesis, also known at the Bible, it talks about how God is creating the earth. Now, people that do believe in God, believes that he died on the cross for our sines and he’s looking down at us. People today pray to him for many things. For example, they may ask him to give us guidance, watch over us, etc. People see God as a higher power that controls everything in our life. How may this be related to Gilgamesh and The Iliad? In those two stories, Gods were the people that controlled everything. They had the power to make them have dreams, chose who dies, tricks people, stops and motivates people from doing things, and many other traits. Even though in the Bible, there is only one god that controls everything and the other two stories has multiple, they all still serve as the same purpose of being the higher power over

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