Gifts To America Essay

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Americas Gift to My Generation Ralph Waldo Emerson an American essayist once said “America is another word for opportunity”. I believe America is much more than just an opportunity, its freedom, peace, unity. These are all gifts that the U.S gives us. Many of them are taken advantage of. I would like to take a small portion of your time to remember some of these gifts. One of the several things we Americans are blessed to have is the freedom to choose who we are and who we become. Americans are lucky to be able to choose where we live. Many countries do not allow people to choose where they live, they are stuck in one place not able to move around. The U.S gives us the freedom to live where we please, that is an amazing gift. Another great …show more content…

Our freedom to choose our own countries path. I believe that is an immense privilege. In many countries the people have no say in what laws are passed or who their leader is. They have to live without any choice of their countries future. As Americans we are gifted to have a say in what happens to our people. We can choose who leads us. I would say that our freedom to vote is a great gift. Recently a lot of tragedy has struck our country. Hurricanes in Texas, Puerto Rico, and Florida have caused an immense amount of damage. People lost their homes. Many even lost their family. But we help each other. Our unity has a power of its own. In hard times we work together to fix what has been broken. That is what I would call a gift. Equality is something I am proud to say we have. Despite the protesting and fighting I believe we are all equal. No matter your race, ethnicity, or gender you are able to have the same jobs, education, and opportunities as everyone else. That on its own is a gift. But now we add our right to have our own opinion our own belief. Whether it be how we believe the world came to be or what we think is wrong or right we are allowed to speak that belief that opinion. That is America’s gift to us. To practice what we like or to speak our

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