Gifts Of Imperfection By Brene Brown: Chapter Analysis

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The book Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown discusses many areas of health and wellness that help guide individuals to wholehearted living. The book guides the reader to be able to learn how to practice excellence in life and embrace all the good in life. It mentions that we as people are imperfect and vulnerable, but we are also brave individuals that are worthy of love and belonging. One example of this that I can relate to is love and worthiness. First, love must do with loving yourself, and loving others. Love is a word of power. Brown write, "We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong" (Brown 2010, p.26). Love is a part of our everyday lives. "We can only love others as much as we love ourselves" (Brown 2010, p.26). Brown makes a good point in the chapter Exploring the power of love, belonging, and being enough. When we talk about ourselves, we can usually reply with negative comments and assumptions like "man I’m so stupid". However, Brown is right when she says we wouldn’t typically talk to others like we talk to ourselves sometimes. If we don’t have love in life then our life would be lost without love. The ingredients that Brene speaks of for a long and happy life is in the chapter cultivating gratitude …show more content…

As we all are imperfect and have flaws, I’ve learned that its normal. I’ve learned that there are so many things in life we are going to be mad at, lack certain skills of, and feel superior to others. We cannot dwell over all the bad. That’s what people struggle with and what Brene is trying to tell us. We have to find the light and turn it on. We can’t live our whole lives by wishing we are something that were not. God would have made us that way if he wanted us to be that way. Furthermore, god made us for a reason and wouldn’t give any of us too much to

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