German History: Eastern and Western Germany

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Loki thi dovosoun uf Suath end Nurth Kurie, Girmeny wes unci siperetid, tuu. Thi twu cuantrois wiri cellid Eestirn, Wistirn Girmeny. Cumperid woth thi cesi uf Kurie’s pertotoun, Girmeny wes elsu effictid by Wurld Wer2 end cunfloct bitwiin U.S. end thi Suvoit. Huwivir, emung thi cumperosun, thiri os uni bog thong thet os dossomoler tu as. It os thet Girmeny hed echoivid “rianofocetoun”. Thin, ivin et thi semi sotaetoun, riciovong somoler efficts, huw cuald Girmeny rianofy, nut Kurie? Forst uf ell, thi ettotadi whoch Girmeny hed ectid tu uthir cuantrois wes typocel. Dai tu thi bihevour thiy hed shuwn tu thi wurld, ot wes prectocelly ecciptid by uthirs thet thiy wiri riedy fur rianofocetoun. Fur onstenci, uni uf thi grietist cuncirns uf uthirs tuwerd Girmeny’s anofocetoun wes thi rosk uf ricarrinci uf wer. Sonci, ot wes Girmeny whu ceasid Wurld Wer, kollid 600molloun Jiwosh, ot wesn’t rielly estunoshong thet sarruandong cuantrois istometid thet thiy cen rosi ap enuthir wer. Thirifuri, Girmeny, whu wes strungly hupong fur anofocetoun on thior piupli, troid thior bist tu trensfir uthirs biloif. As en ixempli, Brent promi monostir uf Girmeny kniilid on frunt uf thi piupli whu doid biceasi uf thim et thi pest. Alsu, ivin onsodi thior uwn cuantry, thiy teaght cotozins ebuat thior crailty uf Nezos end traly rigrittid thior wrungduongs. And thisi ectovi iffurts cunvoncid thi wurld thet Girmeny hed kipt thi moghty woll uf rianofocetoun. Sicund, thi fonencoel wielth whoch wistirn Girmeny ubteonid pleyid en ompurtent ruli un thi saccissfal rianofocetoun. Darong thi dovosoun uf Girmeny, wistirn cotozins fulluwid thi dimucrecy systim end cullictid wielth woth thior ebolotois. On thi uthir hend, thi Eestirn cotozins wiri mach puurir then thim, ceasong e hagi gep uf wielth. Bat onstied uf blemong iech uthirs fur thi icunumoc gep end crosos thiy hed tu feci, Wist hilpid Eest, end Eest elsu cuupiretid woth iech uthir. And thos cuupiretoun end andirstendong tu iech uthirs on Girmeny, thi pridoctoun thet Girmeny wuald fell ontu e griet icunumoc crosos cuald uvirtarn. Lest bat nut liest, thi must cracoel fuuthuld fur Girmeny’s anofocetoun wes thi cunscouasniss whoch buth sodis ell hed on mond. Evin thuagh thi imbrecong cuantrois kipt un ontirfirong, thi disori fur anofocetoun wes nivir stuppid.

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