Gerald's Game Movie Essay

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In the movie Gerald’s Game, there are three man characters in the movie Gerald, Jessie, who are husband and wife and a stray dog. My main focus will be on Jessie. Jessie is a compassionate, submissive and slight rebellious person. As the movie begins, Jessie and Gerald are on the way to her families lake house to rekindle their love life. By examining Jessies body language you can see that she is not comfortable in the car with Gerald, definitely when he puts his hand on her inner thigh and tries to put his hand under her dress. She quickly removes his hands. Just by that you can tell that she is not into Gerald OR he has hurt her and she is not ready for a sexual relationship with him. Gerald continues to drive to the lake house and they …show more content…

You can tell that she wants everything the go smoothly so she goes overboard to make sure she looked pretty. Gerald come out of the bathroom and its like night and day with his personality. He handcuffs her to the bed and starts to choking her. He demanded that she screamed for help because he knew no one would be able to hear. This was the perfect opportunity for Gerald to live out his rape fantasy. Jessie demand that her unhand-cuff her from the bed. At this point Jessie demeanor had changed she was not this submissive woman she told him that she knew he had been cheating on her for years. She could not figure out where they went wrong. This is exactly what Jessie needed. Everything that she wanted the say over they years came out. Just as that happened Gerald has a heart-attack and she is still handcuffed to the bed. No way to help him and no way way to escape. Jessie kicked him on the floor and blood started to puddle around his head. Jessie began to panic and scream. Even though she could see the blood on the floor. Her brain could not process the fact that the man she had been married to for so many years just died right in front of her eyes. She keeps calling his name as if he would wake up. Later on that day, she hears foot steps in the home and automatically believes that it is her children but in reality it is the stray dog from earlier. He sees Gerald on the floor and begin the eat his remains. Jessies does

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