Georgia O Keeeffe Essay

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1. Rachel Ruysch and Georgia O’Keeffe
Rachel Ruysch and Georgia O’Keeffe were two great women artists working over two centuries apart but despite that they painted the similar subjects, they couldn’t have been more different in the ways they painted them and their reasons for doing so. Rachel Ruysch used still life and flowers to become a prominent painter in a time where women couldn’t study anatomy or have models which was a much more prominent subject during her time. Georgia O’Keeffe, on the other hand, denies all connection of her gender and her paintings. Rachel Ruysch’s Still Life with Bouquet of Flowers and Plums (1704) shows the full view of a bouquet of flowers along with plums as the title states. It’s extremely ornate and uses many different colors. This painting also tries to show a big picture, including as much as possible onto one canvas. Georgia O’Keeffe’s Black Iris (1926) on the other hand is an extreme close up and O’Keeffe only uses a few colors for the painting. It looks like a flower through a magnifying glass and makes you focus on small details of an iris that most people probably hadn’t considered before.

2. Dutch vs. Spanish Still Life
Dutch Banketj paintings and Spanish Bodegónes paintings both feature sumptuous arrangements of food but how they do …show more content…

Still Life with Lobster and Fruit by Abraham van Beyeren, (1650s) for example, looks like the aftermath of a grand banquet. As a display of wealth, it shows some type of fine tablecloth and fallen glasses, both expensive luxuries during the time period. But the food is probably the biggest display of wealth; most foremost is the lobster, still known today as a luxury item, grapes, peaches, melons and even peeled citruses which were known during the time period, similarly to the lobster, as a luxury

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