George W Bush Biography Essay

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George W. Bush: the story of an American president
The Bush family, has shaped the last American century. As the Rockefellers and the Kennedys, The Bush appertain to an oligarchy where power reign. It is a family with important connections that goes back to the First World War when “Samuel Prescott Bush (1863-1948) headed the War Industries Board's small-arms, ammunition and ordnance section of the Wilson administration”. [COTTON, M. (2016). Sacrifice, the Bush Way: From Self to Others. Journal Of Psychohistory, 44(1), 41-59.]
I- Biography
Born in Connecticut, George Walker Bush, oldest son of the 41st president of the United States George Herbert Bush; is an American politician member of the Republican Party. Bush received his bachelor degree from Yale University, then went to the Texas Air National Guard and served as a pilot. Moreover, he obtains his master degree from Harvard Business School. Afterwards, Bush decides to follow his father’s path and work in the Texas oil industry. Bush’s link to …show more content…

Bush hardens the repression of the immigrants in American borders, in particular those with Mexico, however sets up at the same time a temporary working program for the immigrants installed on the American territory.
IV- Greatness Scale
Bush left office unpopular. He started a war that he should have never begun. Bush has consistently placed conservative ideology before the law. During his presidential term his ideological decisions are based on neo-conservatism. It is necessary to say that after eight years in the White House, Bush legacy is dark with two wars ( Iraq and Afghanistan), a financial crisis which gave him the nickname of George "Hoover" Bush (name of president Herbert Hoover who precipitated the country into recession in 1929), and besides a very damages image of America overseas.

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