George Orwell's Animal Farm

592 Words2 Pages

Animal farm is a satirical representation of the Russian Revolution,

particularly against Stalin's Russia. Led by the pigs, the animals on

Mr Jones Manor Farm revolt against the humans. After their success and

rebellions the animals take control of the farm themselves and decide

to run the farm on equal egalitarian principles.

The aim of animal farm was to create a community of animals that would

work together for a common goal, live in harmony with one another and

reap the rewards of there labour equally.

Over time the seven commandments became the government of the farm

they are as follows-

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

2. What ever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend

3. No animal shall wear clothes

4. No animal shall sleep in a bed

5. No animal shall drink alcohol

6. No animal shall kill any other animal

7. All animals are equal

At first on the Animal Farm, it was promised to the majority of the

animals who were neither Napoleon or a pig, or the so-called "working

class", that "from each according to his ability to each according to

his needs" if all the animals worked to their capabilities they would

get the work back in rations. This system worked for a while, but

stopped when Napoleon and his Totalitarian government took over, and

the system was manipulated. As the pigs Napoleon become corrupted by

power. Napoleon and his fellow pigs gave the animals unfair hours of

labour and unfair rations for their work, which corrupted the system.

Napoleon attempted to keep the animals intact by inspiring them with

slogans, "Napoleon is always right." and "I will work harder."(P.40)

This seemed to work because no animal would refuse to do his or her

job because of the fear of their food supply being cut as a penalty.

Due to the leadership undertaken in order to run the farm the pigs

were given full responsibility as they were the most intelligent

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