George Orwell's 1984-Winston Is A Tragic Hero

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Winston Is a Tragic Hero
What is the definition of hero ? and what is the definition of a tragic hero? Tragic hero is a literary character that makes an error of judgement or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces,brings on a tragedy.(Dictionary) In the novel 1984, the main character Winston shows the will for freedom and resentful of the party. At the same time Winston’s revolt has cause a ultimately tragic ending. In my opinion,Winston is a hero with a tragic fate, he is not satisfied with the party and Big Brother. Even-though, Winston is an outer party member,but he knows that he needs to know the truth that covered by the party,it is the only way to fight for freedom; for himself and the citizen in Oceania. Winston fate is tragic because he had trusted O'Brien,whose a thought police.
Winston is an record editor in the ministry of truth department as an outer party member. He does not loves his job but enjoy the process of this work,it is the only way that can reflects his own thinking as …show more content…

All marriages between party members had to be approved by a committee appointed for the purpose,and--- though the principle was never clearly stated---permission was always refused if the couple concerned gave the impression of being physically attracted to one another.”(Orwell 65) This is a situation that actually reveals oppression to the nature of humanity, includes a man’s words and deeds.“his face remained completely inscrutable.Never show dismay! Never show resentment! A single flicker of the eyes could give you away.”(Orwell 36) He’s mind of against the party is already hide under his face expression when he wrote down “Down With Big Brother”(Orwell 18). As his revolt been marked,it also indicates his tragic

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