George Lopez Research Paper

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Talent is something that may be hidden in the most unexpected places. This talent sometimes could not be appreciated if it does not come from expected places. When determination places along this the result can be great. Four Hispanic high school students form a robotics club under the leadership of their school's newest teacher, Fredi. With no experience, 800 bucks, used car parts and a dream, this ragtag team goes up against the country's reigning robotics champion, MIT. On their journey, they learn not only how to build a robot- they learn to build a bond that will last a lifetime. There is not much you could do when the opportunities are right there in front of you and you are unable to take them, doesn't matter how hard you try or all …show more content…

They have been so long in the country that deportation would be catastrophic for them. If they get to their country of origin, there may not be any relatives left for them to go to and help them get a new start. The USA has been their country, despite not being born there. This raise a question of what constitutes a citizen of the country, should those kids that had no choice to be raised he has given an opportunity? Should they deny their dreams? This movie is laced along that …show more content…

If you are going to see this movie because you think Lopez is going to be his usual character, then this is not the movie for you. I did not want to see the movie because of it, I really thought I would go and he would be doing his usual jokes, but I was gladly surprised. Lopez can do something more than silly characters. Even thought he did have some comedic scenes in the movie that is not the core of the movie and it is not the core of his acting. He is an engineer that has been changed from job to job after a bad situation in life. As part of his teaching obligation he must be the assessor for the engineering club. He accepted without he hope that no one would show up to the first meeting. He unfortunately was wrong an a student show up with the idea of joining a robotics competition where the most prestigious universities in the nation compete. Along the way he discovers his passion for teaching and is touched by the lives of those kids in the team. Marisa Tomei (Gwen Kolinsky) is in charge of the computer lab in the school, She taught the kids at the school for so long that she knows how they can have their dreams broken if they don't get the support that they need. When Fredi starts the robotic's project she warns him to be able to finish the project with the kids as they would need his support all the way other wise their dreams would crash from his abandoned. Tomei does a good job she serves as the motivator

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