George Is A Good Friend Essay

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George is a good friend The definition for friend is, a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. That definition relates to to really good friends George and Lennie. These characters from the book Of Mice and Men are always together, George is kinda like Lennie's caregiver they are really close friends they have been together for a long time know. He cared for Lennie ever since Lennie's Aunt Clara had died. George and Lennie move a lot because they have to get different jobs quite often. George has to be with Lennie because Lennie has a disability that causes him to forget a lot of things. His never really completely been able to tune in to things that are going on around him. George and Lennie had just left the town of Weed. They had to leave in order to keep Lennie out of jail. When they were in Weed Lennie had seen a girl with a really bright soft looking …show more content…

But George could not just leave him so he took Lennie in when no one else would. George is very caring toward Lennie in many ways, not just by taking him in but by other things. For example before George killed Lennie he made sure that Lennie was dreaming of a peaceful and exciting life with George. When it came down to him killing Lennie he actually wanted Lennie to be happy. In the article The Keys to Caregiving; Out of guilt, loyalty and love, the helpers often neglect to help themselves it says that,”Caregivers are often overprotective of their loved ones and refuse to allow other people to provide relief.” ( Scelfo )Which relates to the role of george taking care of Lennie. George has a way of being a caregiver, he is not labeled that, the things that george does for Lennie definitely fits the part into the role of a caregiver. George was always there for Lennie and faithful to lennie but he was also very patient with

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