Essay On Gmo Food Pros And Cons

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GMOs have their pros and cons, but in terms of their effects on biodiversity, the technology is almost solely negative in how it affects the environment. Genetically modified food can damage agriculture as it allows for less restraint on chemical usage which leads to stronger weeds and weaker soil. The crops can easily spread their genetically modified genome through the wind. GMOs damage living organisms by making nasty insects stronger and vital insects weaker. GM foods are correlated with the decline in mammal and bird health and the introduction of GM animals like salmon poses a threat to the ecosystem of wild fish. GMOs can also bear consequences in terms of genetic pollution and alteration through contamination and mutation to adaptation to evolution to species extinction. Indeed, some claims are not well supported and may require testing, like genetic alteration through consumption or the validity of correlating animal health deficits with GM feeds. However, overall, GM foods clearly affect the world negatively in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem impacts. With all of the controversy surrounding GMO foods: health versus biodiversity; benefits versus dangers; pros versus cons, a topic that always arises is the subject of labeling. Labeling has been a matter of discussion for years and Cost, as many anti-labeling groups claim, would in reality, not increase as a result of adding a few extra words on stickers or product boxes. The only cost would be that people would be funding GM corporations out of their own free will, which is likely why big companies are investing so much to keep people unaware of what they are buying. The right to know what is in one’s food should be a basic American right and little distinguishable difference between GM and organic foods is not enough of an argument to withhold information, as trivial as it may be, from consumers about their

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