Genetically Modified Corn Research Paper

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Genetically Modified Corn is the New Future Genetically modified corn is incredibly beneficial to farmers and consumers. Not only is corn beneficial, but a healthy alternative as well. With the help of biotechnology these corn crops are made to only contain the desirable traits without the undesirable traits present. Plant breeders and other scientists have made it so modified corn is useful in individuals everyday lives. Corn is broken down scientifically to create other foods, bathroom items, pharmaceutical medicines, tires and more. “Modified corn, produces medically valuable drugs and enzymes that are safer and cheaper” (“Corn and Soybean Digest”). Corn has many useful traits that are healthy for individuals, physically and healthy entirely …show more content…

Not many people pay attention to corn being used in daily usage especially in pharmaceutical products. “For the medical community too scientific theories about diet nourish business as usual. New theories beget new drugs to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol” (Pollan, 422). Aspirin for one, has a sweet coating over it which makes it break down better in the intestines that is called cellulose acetate phthalate. This particular ingredient is made from corn husks that are modified and broken down into the sweetish coating that goes on aspirin. “While corn husks are being used as a coating for medications, actual corn is modified again for bio-engineered bone and gum tissues” (Neal). Family farms turn to vegetables such as corn to grow drugs and enzymes that help fight against disease and medical problems like high cholesterol, common bladder problems and diabetes. “Today, according to the National Institutes of Health, Type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country” (Zinczenko, 463). When corn is modified medically it isn’t harmful to people and their health, but rather helps cure people in an effective and cheaper

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