Gene Therapy Vs Gene Therapy

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In this paper, I will negatively expose Walter Glannon’s position on the differentially between gene therapy and gene enhancement. His argument fails because gene therapy and genetic enhancement is morally impermissible because its manipulation and destruction of embryos shows disrespect for human life and discrimination against people with disabilities. According to Walter Glannon, he argues that gene therapy must be distinguished from genetic enhancement. He states that there is a clear difference between both for the reason that gene therapy is morally acceptable if it is anticipated to ensure or restore normal functions yet it is morally prohibited if it is aimed at enriching these functions beyond the common normal. He states that his …show more content…

Gene therapy works in three ways; it works to replace a missing or defective gene with a normal one, replace a faulty gene so that it will function properly and it works to activate and deactivate a gene, allowing it to “switch” on and off. Gene therapy is done by the deliverance of a gene to a cell via a carrier, or vector, such as a virus. Scientists lean more towards using a virus because they can seek out particular cells and transfer pieces of deoxyribonucleic acid into them. Scientists also take advantage by deactivating their harmful characterizes and modifying them to carry particular gene into designated cells. After gene therapy is done, the genes can then stimulate the production needed for standard functioning, allowing that gene to return to its previous normal state. Therefore, if a patient were to be in the beginning stages of cancer, gene therapy would seek out the cancerous gene and replace it with a healthy one and minimizes the disease from …show more content…

Both entail having a gene being replaced with a new one, whatever the circumstance may be. The difference is that gene therapy is when the DNA, which determines eye color, hair color, and height, is changed for a health reason. Such as, if a fetus were to likely have a certain disease one it is born, gene therapy would modify the bad DNA so that the fetus does not receive that unwanted diseases. Genetic enhancement is used to change an unwanted trait, like green eyes, into a trait that is most desirable, like blue eyes. Admittedly, gene therapy refers to the procession of changing something unwanted in humans that causes harm or suffering while genetic enhancement refers mostly to changing of something we already possess into something we

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