Gender Stereotypes In The Media

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For generations, there has been distinct gender roles of men and women portrayed through the media. This includes, television shows, movies, advertisements, commercials, newspapers, and magazines. The media heavily affects what and how people think in certain aspects. Surrounding us everywhere, even in the most subtle ways, everything in the media has an underlying message that subconsciously works its way into our minds and develops a sense of expectation set by society. We are constantly deluged with negative portrayals, and stereotypes of men and women, set by society through the media, and these images can cause feelings of inadequacy, can hinder the development of personality, confidence, self-image, self-worth, and personal aspirations. …show more content…

There are other advertisements displayed in the article such as one where a man is hovering over a woman while she says no, she appears to have been saying no in a jokingly manner. Kilbourne explains how this can be an advertisement that encourages men not to take no for an answer, jokingly or not. In another advertisement a man is trying to pull the bottoms of a woman exposing her, while she tries to get away. These sorts of advertisements exhibit how a man is often portrayed as the predator and the woman as the prey. With the same ideas constantly being sent by the media, they can eventually generate violence and mistreatment of women, although seen as playful and harmless at first …show more content…

In Male Bashing on TV, Abernathy opens is article with an example of a man who has to take on all of his wife’s duties while she is at work for a business meeting. These duties include picking up his son from day care, cooking dinner, cleaning, doing laundry, and getting his son to bed. A scenario as simple as this sends a huge underlying message to the viewers that it is the responsibility of the woman to take care of the child, the husband, and the home and still take on a full time job, while the man simply has to focus on his

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