Gender Roles In Islam

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Women throughout history have faced many issues regarding religions as patriarchy transforms. Men and women are assigned certain gender roles that define the sex. Societies designed these roles to make each gender different but equal, but unfortunately not the current case. Masculine roles require boys to differentiate their selves from their mothers. Without a father, most times boys rebel against mothers to remove feminine features. Feminine roles are stricter and treat women as property as opposed to human beings. Women must wait to engage in sexual acts until she is married, unlike men who have multiple options for sex. Women are to live up to a Mary like purity. Society views men as the head and women as the heart. Men need to be intellectual …show more content…

In older Native American cultures, women’s blood has powerful properties to them. It was believed that woman blood caused men’s joints to break and even kill male horses. Women were not to have sex during her menstruation period out of fear. In other societies, because women bleed and bear children, they are considered impure. Hindu faith believe the woman’s body hold Shakti, the goddess that creates and sustains the universe. In Islam countries, female genital mutilation is practiced to prevent women from having sexual desires. The female genitalia is removed, cut off, and then sewn together. The blood isn’t cleaned off in order to harden. Although this practice isn’t tied to Muslim beliefs, it is held as a woman’s rite of …show more content…

In basic religions, people pray to male and female deities. Life is found in all things animate and inanimate. Women are seen more as equal when religions are basic. Women can be shamans, meaning that they are the bridge between the physical and spiritual world. The earliest shaman discovered was a woman. Shamans are part of forging, horticultural, nomadic, and agricultural societies. Women shaman were given respect to voice themselves in patriarchal societies. Shamans that share their bodies with possessions are also mostly women. Today when a religion is founded and becomes institutionalized, then women are not included in leadership

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