Gender Inequality In Latin America

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I was a little skeptical on taking this class at first but not that the semester is coming to an end, this became my favorite class throughout this this semester. I learned a lot of how the depiction of Latin America women were portrayed in films, news articles, and discussions this semester. How the image of Latin American women and identity in the media has progressed throughout the years. Watching the films, “I, the Worst of All”, “Eva Peron”, “The Official Story”, “Real Women have Curves”, and “Selena” have all broke their Latina stereotypical roles for their own self worth and happiness. I was not aware how that women in Latin and America experience this different type of submissiveness in their families and communities. But, it also portrays …show more content…

I was truly shocked when I read the article about how a 10 year old girl who was raped by her stepfather could not get an abortion because of the Paraguayan law that states "abortion is illegal unless the mother's life is in danger." And that their government considered her to be not in danger so women are not criticized for wanting an abortion, however if she was poor this can jeopardize the health of herself and the baby. After reading the article, I realize the serious issue that women's rights is still a huge issue in Latin America and the fact that it is affecting the lives of the next generation, their government should change their policies more freedom and the right to choose on what they do to their body. Lastly, I another topic was not aware of is how high women in Latin America hold up their political status compared to how American women hold theirs up. Based on the articles I have both read in class, Latin American women are politically more active in taking leadership roles in Latin America than women in the United States. It showed how ow the percentage of how women work outside of their homes are less in Latin America than in the United

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