Gender Expression

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The text defines a phenomenon known as stereotype threat as the interference of an individual’s performance due to the pressure caused by fear of confirming a negative stereotype about their group’s abilities (Crawford, 2006, p.85). For example the stereotype that African Americans usually earn lower scores on standardized tests then their White peers may lead to Black students perform below average on their exams due to a preoccupation with confirming that stereotype. Both Bryana and Jordan reject stereotype threat while participating in their individual sports. Despite such traits being considered “masculine”, Bryana embraces aggression and physical strength and stamina in order to succeed on the soccer field; this is also reflected in her team’s undefeated winning streak and general excitement from her parents of her skills and victories. Jordan also persevered and flourished in a traditionally “feminine” sport. He greatly enjoys rhythmic gymnastics and is credited for helping his team win competitions. Neither is shown to have succumbed to stereotype threat in the video, rather they both do well in their gender nontraditional sports. This may be due to the lack of exposure to negative stereotypes and support from their families and in the case of Jordan, none of the negative attitudes his uncle initially held had to do with his capability to perform well in gymnastics.
Two prominent issues of the way women are depicted in sports gender marking of female athletes and their sports and how the achievements and losses of women athletes are usually described in gender-typical ways (Crawford, 2006. P.61). For Jordan, gymnastics is initially received as a girls sport and during his win, when he “cries tears of joy”, a comme...

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...arely mentioned. When female athletes are covered in the media, the focus is on more traditional “feminine” sports or individual gender-neutral sports, rather than team sports. By essentially erasing women within “masculine” or team sports, the media is reducing the potential for increased female involvement within these sports. The language used when covering female athletes and the informality assumed when utilizing their first name serves to demote the value or importance of their accomplishments and skills as an athlete. In addition, gender-marked sports convey the idea that women’s sports are the variation from the “norm” or men’s sports. Ultimately the message that parents and children receive is boys should be strongly encouraged to engage in sports, while girls, if they wish to participate in sports, are directed towards more traditionally “feminine” sports.

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