Crime and Safety Crisis in Africa

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If there is one thing that affects all African regardless of class, it is the nature of safety within the continent. Has crime continue to grow as a method of income we find that it is a way in which Africa is also further pushed into turmoil. Most African nations suffer from constant armed robberies. Everyday citizens are provoked by groups of young men and women wielding guns and threaten lives in whatever it is they want to take (Rwomoire, 2001). There is no safety within one's home there is no safety outside of it. Of course the issue is not one-sided, seeing as a criminal is only as strong as the system which prosecutes them. And too often African legislative and judicial program failed to do so. Perhaps it is because they themselves to …show more content…

The most neglected person in America is the black woman." This is the true reality of not only the black women of America, but black women in the world. To be a woman in Africa often seems similar to being a commendatory. Taken and used when wanted, and discarded once “used up”. There is no one in Africa at greater risk than those of the female gender. Victims of rape, inadequate health programs, and devalued education (Campbell, 2006). The concept of gender equality in Africa is merely that, a concept. African women know no true freedom, still seen as property by men has allowed for the continuance of ill-mannered practices such as female genital mutilation in some African nations such as Ethiopia. In times of war they are abused as physical carcass for sex by men, and boys young enough to be their son/brother; such as the cases which have occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has been declared the rape capital of the world (Brown, 2012). African women find that their greatest enemies are the same people who are suppose to protect them. Their soldiers, their father, their husbands, and perhaps even their brothers. And as Africa remains a predominately male-centric continent, it looks as though there is little promise for the liberation of

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