Clifford Geertz And Catherine Bell's Interpretation Of Religion

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I see it fit to use the same format in this essay as I did for the previous one, as they are more or less asking the same thing, just using different religious scholars. First, I’d like to address how each Clifford Geertz and Catherine Bell defined religion. After that, I’m going to do the same with their interpretations of ritual. Next, I’ll analyze if their beliefs aid or limit their ability to analyze the religious practices of other cultures, and I’ll argue whether either of their theories have any strengths that are worth noting for future use in our course.
The most important question to ask when analyzing the theories of religious scholars is this: what is their definition/interpretation of religion. Beginning with Clifford Geertz, …show more content…

In the previous paper, I argued that only one of the two religious scholars actually had the ability to understand foreign religious practices. When it comes to Geertz and Bell, I believe both of them hold the stated ability by virtue of their beliefs. Geertz suggests that symbols are the basis of human behavior, and these symbols are made by man and can change meaning over time. For example, the swastika was a symbol of good fortune and well being in ancient Hinduism, yet society today associates it with Nazism, anti-Semitism, and racism in general. Geertz emphasizes the importance of defining symbols within the context of how they’re presented. This alone proves that Gertz’s theories depend on the ability to understand outside religious interpretations and practices. This is much the same for Bell too, except with Bell’s theories, she’s talking about power relationships. Within the relationship, one must consider all factors from every angle and how it affects the power relationship. By following Bell’s ideas and closely analyzing a power relationship, one might for example be able to analyze how the power relationship between the Pope and a Christian practitioner is different from say the chief of a Native American

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