Geena Rocero's Speech Summary

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The specific purpose of Geena Rocero’s speech was to inform the audience why must she come out as a transgender fashion model. She spoke to the audience about how gender was assign to people at birth and how most people self identify themselves as a different gender that she express that to be their true gender. Her commitment to the topic gave a whole meaning and feeling when she was presenting, which made the audience want to listen and engage in what she had to say. She linked her topic to plenty of events that are occurring in society, religion and in her personal life, which helped identified the speech and the speaker.
The topic was very interesting and inspirational to those who are transgender or those who may identify as a different gender. The research put into the speech relates to the topic but more from personal experiences the speaker encounter in their lives, which gave a unique sufficiency to the speech. She also reference to the gender mysteries of Asian culture and religion when she was explaining her discovery of what type of woman she wanted to become. Further into her speech she also mention another transgender woman who was hated for being transgendered and ended her life shortly because of the hatred she was receiving from others who didn’t …show more content…

She paused when it was needed and the transitions connected each point when she moved on in the speech. It looked like she had cue cards with her on stage, but she didn’t read directly from them when she gave the speech. Since she could relate to the topic, it sounded natural and conversational. The language that was used was clear and direct, she didn’t stumble on her words and she didn’t keep the audience wondering what points she was trying to get across. The pictures that she used also helped the speech by letting the audience know where she was in the speech and the connection it had with the

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