Gatsby Alternate Ending

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The cool, autumn wind blows breezly through Springtown Falls. Mild, is the air, as 16 year old Jake walks home through the large and green forest, as the bright sun smiles down on him, after a tremendous day from school. As he is on his way, Jake stumbles upon a cardboard box. Questions begin to emerge in his head. What could be in there? Who left it here? Was it meant to be found? Should I open it? Jake doesn’t know what to do, so decides to takes it home with him. He then makes his way down the hill caring the not too heavy box. Once home, Jake wanders in his room, setting the box carefully on his desk. A couple hours pass, as the box sits there, aching to be opened. Jake is overwhelmed with anxiety to open it, so ends up doing it. Inside …show more content…

“Ok, have fun,” both of his parents respond. “ You're not going to ask where I’m going? Or, you're not going to critize me on how to stay home and do homework?” Jake announces back with an oddly weird tone in his voice. “No, because your father and I have decided that we should let you live and have fun a little bit”, Jake’s mother replies. Jake doesn’t answer back and leaves his house, heading toward the party that is two-blocks away believing that the contraption does grant wishes. At the wild party, Jake lets loose and has some fun. He also danced a bit, but all he wanted was to go back home and wish again. So, that’s what he does. This time, Jake wishes that he’ll be rich and is anxious to know if it will come true or not. So, he goes to sleep quickly. The next morning his parents call him down to the table. “We have big news!” shrieks his mom. Jake looks at his dad and mom waiting for them to spill the joy already. “Your father has gotten a promotion” replying his mom, before Jake’s dad could have a chance to talk. “Thanks amazing,” announced Jake. All he was worrying about, is that since his dad got a promotion, that means he will be getting paid much more than before, which leads up to them becoming rich. That means his wish did come …show more content…

Berry’s heritage,” pronounces Jake in a very stern voice. He then lays the contraption back on his desk. The next day, a lawyer comes to the house to give Jake money that was from Ms. Berry’s heritage. Jake is surprised, that yet again another wish has came true, but is also happy because now he has more money than ever. A little while later, Jake’s parents tell him that his Aunt Terry has passed away. Jake is not that sad because she lives all the way across the world and hasn’t seen her since he was 6. Slowly, Jake pieces everything together. He figures out that once you wish, you pay the consequences. That is why his Aunt Terry and Ms. Berry died. Jake doesn’t know what will happen if he continues to wish and he doesn’t want to find out. So, he throws everything back in the box, tapes it up aggressively, and carries it back to where it was found, the woods. He puts it back in the same exact location and waits. Jake watches in a green and thorny bush close by, as the new claimer steps

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