Gate Keepers

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In God we trust but in men we put the fate of our nation. Men hold the keys to the destructive power of nuclear missiles, which guards our nation from sea to shining sea. However, in light of current events a problem has emerged from the ranks of the gate keepers. Nuclear missile officers have been implemented in a drug search on a nuclear missile base which subsequently has led to the revelation that missileers have been cheating on nuclear proficiency tests. These allegations have given way to fear and worry that 34 Nuclear Missile Officers, missileers for short, in charge of 450 intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, are morally inept to do the job they’ve been chosen for. Many are confused as to how to solve this problem because of the secrecy involved in keeping the country safe through nuclear means. However, there is a way in which the problem can be solved while still respecting the secrecy of our nation’s defenses. My solution has been implemented throughout the government and private sector with relevant success. My plan to prevent further cheating and tolerance is as fundamental as checks and balances, the government will employ an outside agency with only one agenda. To prevent any more actions by missileers that would endanger the country or place the air force in a negative light.
Many high ranking officials, including the new secretary of the Air Force, may feel like they’ve been in a fairy tales because of the revelation that 34 of Americas Nuclear Missile Officers have allegedly used drugs and cheated on test’s that ensure they are capable of controlling our nation’s 450 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. The revelation that these allegations are true is a story many high ranking official in the Air Force...

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Everstine, Brian. "Nearly Half of Missileers at Malmstrom AFB Now Tied to Cheating Investigation." Defense News. World News America, 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 9 Feb. 2014.
Harper, Jon. "Review of Air Force's Nuclear Missile Force Underway." Most Read. N.p., 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.
Starr, Barbara. "Great Falls and North Central Montana | Continuous News.", 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 6 Feb. 2014.

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