Gang Motivation Essay

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As the Chief of Police in Memphis, Tennessee, I would combat juvenile gang-related activity by conversing with the top leadership in Nashville, Tennessee. For instance, we can implement several programs and change economic opportunity structure of society related factors that push youth towards gang-related activities. Being a firm believer that if everyone living in gang-infested neighborhoods had working-class parents to provide their children with daily needs; therefore, I believe this will decrease the youth involvement with gangs. It may be too late for some juveniles; however, they’re older and have the ability to work. Therefore, I would target the younger generation before the older gang members reach them. As Chief of Police, I would …show more content…

Second, I would create policies and programs targeting both juvenile justice institutions and youth, as well as their relation to each other at a specific time and place. For example, it is essential to focus on youth entering or leaving a gang and on the developmental stage of the gang problem. Third, I would create a mechanism or structure to coordinate communitywide efforts. For example, school administrators, community leaders, and parents would be asked to give a list of children involved in gang-related activities. Therefore, implementing a probation or GPS monitor for the juvenile violation, which includes criminal offenses. Fourth, a foundation of community policing with the use of parents put on notice that they would be fined if the child is not in the home before curfew. Fifth, I would provide each school with an in school gang unit of three police officer to address gang clothing, violence, graffiti, weapon, and criminal activity in school. There will be a three strike program policy for all gang-involvement violations. Therefore, any juvenile violating policies will be put on notice for the first violation. The second violation, parents would need to attend school for the entire school day and sit in each assigned class with their child. The third violation, the juvenile will be suspended and ask to complete ten days of community service before returning to

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