Galen Guengeich's Selfie Culture

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As society tends to move along with the new coming fads of the century, more people are discovering the term selfie, making it where the internet is overflowing of more people taking pictures of themselves. In an article done by Galen Guengeich titled, “’Selfie’ culture promotes a degraded worldview”, he states how ‘selfies’ are changing view of the world and making society more self-centered and disposable. He strongly states his opinion by using a variety of facts showing how this generation of young people have a degraded view on the world due to their involvement with the internet. Guengeich ideas proves that society overall has become more dependent on the internet ruining relationships. Ultimately, selfies are taking away all aspects of life, making people disconnect from society, be more narcissistic and be more concerned about how they portray their lives rather than how their life actually is. …show more content…

A selfie is defined to be a picture taken of oneself and later uploaded onto a social media website. Guengeich explains how the long lasting effects of selfies have on today’s world and states how everything in our culture can be disposed, “In a culture defined by the selfie, nothing has lasting value but the self. Which means everyone and everything can be disposed of whenever something better shows up” (Guengeich). The purpose of Guengeich essay was to get young and even older generations who post daily selfies online and show them that it is not worth losing relationships over and portraying your life to be great on the grand scheme of things

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