Functional Behavior Assessment Analysis

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Functional behavior assessments are used by behavior analyst to determine the motivation for problem behaviors in clients with disabilities. With direct and indirect assessments of behavior, the behavior analyst can identify the target behavior and develop a hypothesis to test before then developing the behavior intervention plan. The accumulation of this knowledge to develop behavior intervention plans to change these behaviors is directed and regulated through the students individualized education plan as well as Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1997 (IDEA) (Drasgow, 2001). Although IDEA 1997 does not dictate, the exact steps of the functional behavior assessment but rather leaves this up to the individual education plan team.
Although a specific formula for performing a functional behavioral assessment remains unknown the basic principles include gathering information regarding the target behavior, interpreting the data and formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and development of the behavior intervention plan. The functional behavior assessment is typically a group approach that is created within the student's individual education plan team. Team members can consist of teachers, counselors, and behavior analysts. This team will work together to collect and analyze data and then form the behavior intervention plan.
Within the team, there should be an interobserver agreement to measure the quality of information gathered within the team. It is reasonable that the behavior will function to obtain positive reinforcement or avoid negative attention (Lane, 2007). The interobserver agreement (IOA) is the degree to which two or more individual observers report the same observed values after reporting the same e...

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...he benefits the intervention is meant for. Tokens may be given when not earned or withheld when earned therefore not allowing for the reinforcements which should be earned. This is an excellent example of why teacher training should be a support provided before the intervention phase is initiated.
In conclusion, as a behavior analyst, professional guidelines are to be adhered to. Ethical, legal, and socio-cultural implications should always be a priority. When completing functional behavior assessment consent is given by the parents in an IEP meeting before completing the assessment, which ensures the parents' rights as well as the students that are considered before conducting the assessment. Through the IEP meetings the legal and ethical issues are addressed for the student and through the school setting the socio-cultural implications are then addressed.

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