How Do Frogs Show Parental Care To Protect Their Children

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There are three different ways that frogs show parental care to protect their young. There are many species in which the adult frog guards over the eggs. The sex of the frog that guards the eggs all depends on the species. In some species the male watches over them and in other cases the female is the one who is doing the protecting. But in some cases it is not known whether it is the female or male because the external characteristics of both sexes are very similar. Some of these species lay their eggs over water and remain next to them, and others lay on top of them. Many of the land-dwelling frogs that will remain next to the eggs take this very seriously and will attack and animal that comes close. For the frog to leave the eggs, the eggs must be eaten by another animal or have desiccated and died. A species that continues to guards the eggs even after they hatch would be the male African bullfrog. They often have their eggs in a small pool of water so the bigger fish cannot get to them and once the eggs hatch the bullfrog will often watch over them. When the tadpoles become big enough they will dig a channel to the bigger water source so the tadpoles can swim away. Another way frog show parental care would be that the frog lays their eggs on the ground till they hatch …show more content…

When an amphibian is toxic to other animals, the amphibians skin will be bright warning colors to let other predators know that it is deadly. There a few toxins that are found in frogs skin that range in toxicity, some being extremely toxic where others are mildly toxic. Most of the toxins that are founding frogs skin affect the contraction of muscle cells. The toxins that poison dart frogs secrete is called lipophilic alkaloid, which serve has a defense against predators. Frogs do not make their own toxins but consume the toxins from their food sources such as ants, and centipedes. The toxins that are found in frogs is not meant for prey, but it is for the predator that tries to eat

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