Analysis Of Freud From The Interpretation Of Dreams

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Freud, From The Interpretation of Dreams 1. Children can suffer from psychoneurotics based on their relationship with their parents. a. If a child finds himself in love with one parent and hating the other, this can be considered a sign of neurosis. b. These feelings can occur in normal children, however, the feelings are not nearly as intense. c. In psychology, this behavior is part of the Oedipus complex. 2. In the trilogy written by Sophocles, Oedipus is the son of Laius and Jocasta. a. As an infant, it was predicted that he would grow up to murder his father and marry his mother. b. As a result, Oedipus was sent away to be killed but was rescued. c. Oedipus grows up and then kills his father without knowing …show more content…

Even with that length, it is impossible to fully analyze a dream. 2. It is also impossible to determine the condensation of that story. 7. Dream interpretations arise from making connections between the dream-content and the dream-thought. a. There are multiple ways to determine meaning of a dream. b. Dream-displacement is the process of assigning that meaning. 1. At times, we do not interpret dreams accurately or censor dreams for some reason. 2. Still displacement, condensation, and over determination are all factors, which help to uncensored dreams. 8. Humans seek to find representation in dreams. a. Dreams can represent what has occurred or what will occur, and they allow individuals to understanding conditions and solve problems. b. Logical connections can be made from dreams by questioning if, because, or, or either. 9. Dreams are important because they allow individuals to make connections that exists between dream-thoughts and a single event or situation. a. Each dream can be interpreted in many ways. b. Dreams are freeing as they can present insights and ideas to those who interpret them. Freud, From Fetishism 1. Freud studied men who expressed fetishes based on their

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