Free Speech Is A Double Wrong Essay

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The argument of free speech vs. censorship has been roaring within the past 5 years. Even now, when you turn on the TV or log onto Facebook or Twitter, one would see the United States citizens worried about their freedom of speech rights being taken away with “censorship”. This issue is significant because the right to freedom of speech is stated in First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. Citizens should have every right to worry about their freedom of speech being taken away because these rights give the ability to express ourselves and fight for what is best. Yet this raises the question of should we be concerned about people that use it for extremism and racism? One might think of a quote by Frederick Douglass when considering this topic, “To suppress free speech is a double wrong. …show more content…

It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it would be to rob him of his money” (Douglass, 1860). In this research report, resources of academic nature such as: The First Amendment (U. S. Constitution. amend. I), Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, and The First Amendment (Matsuda, 2010), and Freedom of Speech and Information Privacy (Volokh, 1999) will be used to obtain a better understanding of how the marginalization of ethnic minorities affects their ability to free speech. Additional research will be presented to address how we can help those who are affected by hate speech. In this process sources were obtained from literature, scholarly websites, and peer reviewed articles. In addition, using the “C.R.A.P.P.O” method has also helped strengthen the reliability of resources to see if they are up-to-date and from a reputable source. This investigation is eminent for those who have an interest in such topics and for those who are affected by

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