Frederick Douglass: A Narrative Analysis

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As I look back now I cannot fathom why I, lady of the Auld house, would have treated slaves so kind and warm heartedly. They are nothing more than property to do my bidding. I was wrong to teach that heathen slave to read. Hugh taught me that much, for which I am thankful for. I understand what I have done. “The first step had been taken.” (Douglass 44) I have given that slave an inch and he will do everything in his power to take the ell. Little does he know I will do everything in my power to stop that from happening. “Nothing seemed to make [me] more angry than to see [him] with a newspaper.” (Douglass 43) I knew he was practicing alone, therefor “If [he] was in a separate room any considerable length of time, [he] was sure to be suspected

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