Frankenstein: Similarities Between The Movie And The Book

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The original Frankenstein novel, published in 1817, created a unique novel that set a new tone for gothic fiction. Mary Shelley created such a story that has affected literature that has carried on for two centuries, and her novel still continues to be read today. The original movie, however, is very contrastive to the novel. The first movie was released in 1931, and it was directed by James Whale. The book and the movie are quite different, but there are some similarities that help get the main point across. The book and the movie are similar and different in terms of characters, setting, and content. Even though the original movie was the first movie ever made based on the novel, it is immensely different compared to the novel. In Mary Shelley’s work, she created certain characters to play important roles in the story, such as Walton, Victor, Henry, the Creature, and Elizabeth. Each character played a significant role in the book that helped guide the story in a certain direction. In the movie, however, Walton did not exist, and an extra character that was not needed. His name was Fritz, and he was Victor’s assistant in creating the creature and capturing bodies from graves. He was by …show more content…

In the novel, Mary Shelley made it so that Victor ran into Walton and began to tell his story about his creation and the story behind it. In the movie, Walton does not exist and the movie begins by Victor and Fritz collecting dead bodies from the cemetery to use for his experiment. They are similar in terms of the fact that the Creature was created in a lab and a strike of lightning that created electricity was what brought him to life. Victor was still his creator, or his father, but in the movie, he did not abandon him because he was ugly. He would explain that he was young and give excuses as to why he was a monster to his professor, but nevertheless, stayed by his side the entire movie unlike in the

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