Essay On Security Policy

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Need For Security Policy
A security policy is defined as “The framework within which an organization establishes needed levels of information security to achieve the desired confidentially goals”
The main aim of a security policy is to update users, staff and managers of their mandatory requirements for protecting technology and information assets of their company. The policy must clearly specify the ways through which these requirements can be met. Another purpose of security policy is to provide a standard from which they should acquire, configure and audit computer systems and networks for compliance with the policy. Hence an attempt to use a set of security tools in the absence of at least an implied security policy is meaningless.
It also defines what should be done when the user misuses the network, if there is any attack on the network or if there are any natural outage to the network.
How Security Policy is formed?

The above diagrams gives a detailed explanation of how an effective security policy can be formed.
People responsible for forming a security policy.
For a security policy to be applicable and operational, it requires the acceptance and support of all levels of employees within the organization. The support of corporate management is crucial for the security policy process, or else there is little chance that they will have the wished-for impact. Below is the list of the people who must be involved in creation of security policy documents.
1. Site security administrator.
2. Information technology technical staff (e.g., staff from computing center)
3. Administrators of large user groups within the organization (e.g., business divisions, computer science department within a university, etc.)
4. Security inc...

... middle of paper ... be viable for the long term, it requires a lot of flexibility based upon an architectural security concept. A security policy should be (largely) independent from specific hardware and software situations (as specific systems tend to be replaced or moved overnight). The mechanisms for updating the policy should be clearly spelled out. This includes the process, the people involved, and the people who must sign-off on the changes.

References: Seven Elements of an Effective Information Security Policy Management Program
By David J. Lineman

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