Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars

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In Frank Beddor’s book The Looking Glass Wars, the tale of Alice in Wonderland is told from the perspective of Princess Alyss Heart. She is forced to evacuate from her home because of her evil aunt Redd’s attack on the queendom and ends up alone in London, but is found and brought back to the queendom to take her spot as the queen. Beddor provides many different themes that go on throughout the book, and one of them is “don’t give up hope”. Evidence of this being a theme is proved by the actions of Dodge Anders, Hatter Madigan, and Alyss Heart in many different situations in the book. One character who didn’t give up hope throughout book is Dodge Anders. Dodge is forced to watch his father get killed in battle and stays to help the queendom …show more content…

Alyss’s parents are killed by Redd’s evil army, her father King Nolan was ambushed by Redd’s troops led by her best fighter the Cat and her mother Queen Genevieve was killed by Redd. Alyss was forced to flee Wonderland through the Pool of Tears. She ends up in London and meets a man named Leopold. Leopold proposes to Alyss and she says yes. Whenever she talks about Wonderland they just make fun of her. She said “I had to turn my back on Wonderland.” But on her wedding day she sees Dodge and notices the scar on his face and realizes it’s him. Redd’s troops attack and Dodge defends Alyss and they flee back to Wonderland through the Pool of Tears. She led an army to attack Redd and her forces but they didn’t know if she was capable of leading them. They were all asking “‘But can she lead …show more content…

Hatter was Queen Genevieve’s bodyguard but when Redd attacked she told him to leave him behind and protect Alyss. Hatter jumped into the Pool of Tears with “Alyss Heart, holding tight to Hatter Madigan, plummeted toward the surface of the water below.” and ended up in Paris while Alyss ended up in London. For the next few years he searched for Alyss non stop crossing the world. “He planned to canvass the streets, search every lane and alley for the princess before moving on to another town or city.” He finally got a lead on where she was when Dodge Anders published his book Alice in Wonderland. Hatter traveled to where Alyss was and was so close to finding her but he was ambushed chased into an alley with a dead end where a puddle leading to the Pool of Tears was. He was forced to jump and ended up in Wonderland where he delivered the news that Alyss was alive and old enough to be the queen. Hatter was injured from a bullet wound so Dodge went to go rescue Alyss. Hatter helped around camp. When Alyss came back she led an army and defeated Redd with the help of the Alyssian’s including Hatter himself. This is why Hatter Madigan shows the theme don’t give up

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