Fox School Of Business And Management Case Study

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In your description from the “About Us” column, Fox School of Business and Management pride in making ready professionals, business leaders, and entrepreneurs for their respective successful careers. Today, Indicated is that it is the largest, most wide-ranging school for business in the larger region of Philadelphia, and one of the largest institutions in the world. Fox School of Business stands as one of the various business schools criticized occasionally for flooding the banking industry with its prestigious MBA (Master Business of Administration) courses. Approximately more than 40% of business school graduates are sent into the finance world each year. With a high competitive marketplace, Fox School provides quality, student- centered business and management education along with tools and resources that give students a competitive advantage. Fox School accomplishes its mission to “transform lives through education” by providing a gateway to opportunities for talented and determined students. Business schools like Fox have been criticized and held responsible for the current economic crisis. This criticism not only affects Fox’s reputation but also its stakeholders - Government entities, employees, the environment, clients (students), shareholders/owners, the board of …show more content…

Fox’s bears an ethical responsibility to bring to the neighborhood a good name in addition to ensuring good relationship with the community. These people are victims that will directly from any wrong image put up by Fox’s. Part of Fox’s rationale for growing its course and has to bear a philanthropic responsibility of improving the quality of life of the community in the North Philadelphia area. They bear legitimacy as the true sons and daughters of the region and thus the existence of the institution in the locality must not be injurious to

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