Four Gospels Research Paper

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Why four gospels?
People often wonder why there are four gospels? Why not more or less? Why are they even called gospels and what does the word Gospels mean? Therefore, I'm here to tell you by studying the gospels and reading reviews and books from other people explaining why it is the way it is, why it's set up to only four Gospels. I've read a few reviews from David Alan Blacks, Book, Why the four gospels, and it has been an inspiring informational book to a lot of people and goes really in depth of why he thinks and has evidence to back up his claims of why there are only four gospels. Also, from other professors who teach from New Testament studies like this one.
The New Testament, contains 27 manuscripts. The most well-known of these …show more content…

The Gospel of John was written between 90 and 100 CE. The Gospel of John, was sometimes called "the spiritual gospel," because it told the story of Jesus in ways that were different from the other three Gospels. The gospel of John begins with Jesus' activity and characteristics of the Son of God before Jesus Became human. The gospel of John emphasizes the deity of Christ, as is seen in his use of such phrases as “the Word was God” (John 1:1), “the Savior of the World” (John 4:42), the “Son of God”, and “Lord and...God” (John 20:28). In John's gospel, Jesus also affirms his deity with several “I Am” statements; most notable among them is (John 8:58,) in which He states that “...before Abraham was, I Am”. But John also emphasizes the fact of Jesus' humanity, desiring to show the error of a religious sect of his day, the Gnostics, who did not believe in Christ’s humanity. John's gospel spells out his overall purpose for writing: “Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name”. (John

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