Forrest Gump Meaning

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”Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will get” But I think we all know the man. Forrest Gump. The man with 75 of IQ, but still understand what the meaning of life is. The important meaning to be kind and respectful to other people and things. A man who fights almost a whole life for some day, buy a house with Jenny and spend the rest of his life with her.
The story begins with Forrest sitting on the bench at a bus stop, during the time he tells strangers who arrives and departs from the bus his life story. From the time when he was bullied in school, the first time he met his love Jenny, builed a schrip company and became a ceo and utlimately married and became a father.

140 minutes, with overwhemling of good and memorable qoutes. Perhaps, you have sometimes heard the famous meaning”run forrest run”. It is a famous act when Jenny shouted for Forrest to run away from evil boys . Although Forrest could not ran. He ran.

The movie Forrest Gump is a drama comedy. While we get to know more and more about his story of life, we gain to feel empathy for him. There are some parts of the film you may will cry to, but in the next part you will laugh to you may cry even more. I can consider that this movie is worth to see. The movie is both warm and heart breaking. …show more content…

It is a intressting question. Forrest Gump is a well know phenomen all around the world. In the movie almost all humans Gump meets in his life, judge him for the beginning. He seems to be strange with his IQ. One thing which comeback a bunch of times in the movie are a meaning Forrest mother said to a teather who thought Forrest not is smart enough to go in a normal school. She explains that nobody is stuiped, stuipd is just handles people does. Forrest as person is brave, it provides when he allways fights for all the judgement people has about him. Actually he never became sad, althoug people in genral treated him

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