Evaluating Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics

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 conceptual understanding
Both qualitative and quantitative patterns were assessed through the formative assessment. The formative assessment evaluated student’s conceptual understanding through a variety of mathematical problems. Questions 1,2 (A&B), 3 (A&B) and 4 ( A& B) assessed student’s ability to demonstrate conceptual understanding in mathematics relating to fractions. In question one, students had to show how to make equivalent fractions using a number line, and an area model. The quantitative patterns for question one revealed how all 22 student in the class excelled in this particular area. All of the 22 students tested got answer one correct, therefore this informs me that students grasp this concept and that the visual of an area model may have …show more content…

Students were also evaluated to understand the concept that the sum of a fraction may be decomposed into parts (or recomposed into an equal sum). Next students had to express the decomposed fraction as a multiplication equation. Lastly, students had to label and plot the decomposed equivalent fraction on a number line with jumps (representing the decomposition). These concepts which all correlate with one another was challenging and extremely difficult for 3/4th of the students within the class. Question 3 A & B are based on the concept of decomposing fractions. Data shows 16 students struggled with question 3 A and 18 students struggled with 3B. Due to the amount of students with IEP’s, 504’s, and students needing extra math support, mathematical concepts and skills are challenging and often these types of student population have gaps in learning. As stated previously 3/4ths of students, especially those students with special needs did not comprehend the concept. It is quite possible many students did not receive or understand the foundational fraction concepts and notions. The students that fall bellow grade level really required further instructional on the concepts of what a fraction is.

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