Forgiving Is Wrong

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The art of forgiving can sometimes be a hard pill to swallow. Forgiving someone who has done us wrong is never an easy task to accept. In fact it is very hard and we tend to avoid it. Forgiving is just as hard as apologizing. It definitely does not happen overnight. It can take days, months, or even years. There may be feelings of anger, betrayal, disappointment or even sadness. The relationship with the other person impacts the likelihood you will forgive someone. Sometimes the pain makes it too difficult to look past a person's mistakes. We as humans are not motivated to forgive. Our brains remember everything that happens to us. Both the good and the bad as it is a surviving mechanism. Memories that are great are remembered, but likewise so are traumatic memories. As the famous saying goes, holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Do yourself a favor and forgive for your own good, because you are only hurting yourself. …show more content…

Humans are wired to want to retaliate against those who do us wrong. It goes with the pursuit of justice. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt the person back, because we do not want to be hurt ever again. There are moments in which we want revenge in an attempt to protect ourselves. We want to vindicate the person who hurt us so they can feel what we felt. We seek compensation for emotional damages, because we lost something valuable to us, that may never go back to how it used to be. Revenge is thought to make us feel good and is perceived as sweet. Simply one of the reasons why we find it hard to forgive is we want to get even instead of

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