Forest High School Prank War Essay

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It all started in high school; the seniors began their final semesters and the younger teenagers took their place in the lower level. They were all annoying bastards, as labelled by their elders, constantly being noisy, trashing the lounges, and whatnot. It was only a quarter of the way into the school year when the fateful night that would start what was known as The Forest High School Prank War took place.

It wasn't meant to cause any harm, just a few laughs and a way to piss off the juniors. That's what Phil Lester and his friends decided as they dropped green food coloring into every soap dispenser on the first floor used for the juniors.

And, while it did achieve the original goal, one particular student by the name of Dan Howell was …show more content…

Phil's friends, Chris and Pj, encouraged him to get back at their annoying peers they were forced to share a building with. Of course by this time, they had heard all about Dan. The next few days were spent printing thousands of copies of the same selfie from his Twitter account in order to cover every inch of locker with his overly credited face.

Not that Phil found Dan's to be unattractive, quite the opposite, in fact. It was only his personality that was unattractive. "Why does he have to be so ugly!" Phil complained one day. "He's like Iggy Azalea's plastic surgery but, like, in human form," Chris put eloquently.

As soon as anyone walked into school on Monday, they would drown in the sheer amount of inescapable brown haired fuckboy pictures. Dan was called to the office along with the culprit, whom some prick decided to rat out. (Nobody particularly liked Alfie anyway, as he didn't know how to shut his mouth.) They were chastised and informed that no more vandalism be inflicted on the school, or they were to be suspended. Dan tripped Phil on the way out.

So as the days went on, fake cockroaches were put in desks, air horns were blown in halls. It was relatively calm. Too

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