Foolishness In The Crucible '

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BODY PARAGRAPH 1. Is it foolish to fear? My answer is no BP2. BASED ON THE CRUCIBLE BP3. what fears me the most The Potential of being Foolish Being foolish can rely on many factors including terror, experience, and horror that is mostly seen throughout “The Crucible” a society that is shocked by the accusations of supposed witchcraft and the people that know the truth are put on trial, and if the truth doesn’t come out the more and more the problem will sink deeper and deeper into a mystery. So, the fear that the characters must be facing is having to th decide to either be whipped or place to death. Furthermore, my personal fear that has scared me throughout my days of early development would have to be the dark. The dark welcomes silence, quiet, and a sense of being alone which causes me to be scared. The conclusion that I made is everybody has a certain fear that they live with throughout their lives, so having the ability to exist everyday with that certain fear can be overwhelming, but can cause inspiration for someone battling the same fear. Moreover, fear can bring the best values and experiences to us and the more time that we allow fear to bring us down, the more we will allow fear to conquer our lives. For example, the biggest component that can assign anyone while experiencing fear is …show more content…

So, the fear displayed throughout the story is either being hanged or whipped due to the accusations of witchcraft. The more the lie spreads throughout the citizens that are being accused, the more time that will be wasted for the trying to the discover the truth around this mystery. Furthermore, all of the girl characters fear either being whipped or face their own death in order of covering up the truth, but trying to hide the truth doesn’t make that person a fool if their own lives are on the

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